First Appointment

A couple details regarding your first appointment. Since I will be doing an extensive history taking, please allot up to an hour and a half for the visit. If possible, please refrain from wearing perfumed products (even hair products can be highly scented) and face make-up. Both overall scent and facial color are part of traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosing (not often done any more). If you can't comply, don't worry; it would just make diagnosing easier.

Here is a pdf  file of the initial paperwork. Please let me know if you have difficulty opening it. Just print and fill out the questionnaire for our meeting. I'll have an arbitration form for you to sign at the office.

Suggestions on how to receive the most from your treatment
Ideally it is best after each treatment to allow at least half an hour to walk or remain quiet with yourself. Try to plan in this time when you schedule your session. Do not drink alcoholic beverages, take recreational drugs, or over- exert yourself either emotionally or physically on the day or evening of treatment. Also, wait for at least four hours after a treatment before taking a hot bath or a sauna. All these suggestions allow time for the treatment to settle in and therefore to help you to get the best results from your treatments.

COVID-related forms
Informed consent
Notice of privacy

How COVID office safety is being addressed

• I will continue to book appointments on the hour, even with us now in the opening-up phase of COVID,
• For now, there is still no waiting room for my office. Please text me when you park and I will text you when I am ready to see you.
• Please still wear a mask. I continue to treat immune-compromised patients and want to err on the safe side for all my patients. I am taking this cue from the Western medical community: MDs are still requiring masking, and therefore so will I.
• I have always been an avid hand-washer and I encourage you to be as well.
• I will continue to change sheets between each patient.
• And please: if you suspect you might be coming down with the flu, please check in with me before coming. I know allergies sometimes confuse people, but ask me and we will together determine the best step forward.

Thank you! We are all always in this together!