Services Offered
I have adjusted this page to help you best navigate during these unusual stay-at -home times.
The services that give most assistance during these times are different than during our usual
Please know there is always a way of receiving support. By being open to the format of support changing, we can open to a wide field of assistance to help stabilize and re-balance during these challenging, stressful times.
Virtual Consultations
I have come to find Zoom to be a tremendous tool. They provide a safe landing place to share and explore options. In an odd kind of way, sitting together in this way takes away all the distractions and puts you and me together in a very intimate way. As always it is my intention to totally be there for you, hearing what is going on for you, what troubles you, and what solutions you are looking for. Sometimes just talking it out is half the journey.
I can guide you to the use of acupressure points, and/or instruct you in how to easily apply vacuum cups or use moxa sticks. Now might be a prime time to look at which herbs and/or supplements would be most valuable to you. You might want private instruction in qigong or Taoist meditation, allowing you to go deeper into your practice. This might lead to a personalized cleanse to fit your exact needs right now. Perhaps you need encouragement and vision in how to change certain sabotaging lifestyles that are gaining momentum in your life.
Virtual Qigong and Taoist Meditation
There are currently two qigong and Taoist meditation classes I am offering via Zoom. I am offering them free of charge because I feel the community at-large needs a resource without additional burden. The levels of stress vary person-to-person, and most people seem to be experiencing heightened levels of stress. Stress is harmful to your emotional being, deep sense of spirit, and your physical well-being. Some people have asked if they could send a donation. Thank you. For now, I request you to donate to an organization, family, or person you know who is in most need. We all feel the impact of no or markedly less income. For some it is of urgent proportions.
If you would like to learn more about:
Acupuncture click here Includes Acupressure, Moxa, Cupping, and Medical Qigong
Qigong click here Includes Taoist Longevity Breathing, and Meditation
Chi Nei Tsang click here
Herbal Medicine click here
Lifestyle and Nutritional Counseling click here Includes Cleansing